I went through our miscarriage in August and found myself veering off the course I had been making for myself. Disappointing, yes. Life gets in the way... gets you off track. I try to tell myself it's fine, but it's hard not to feel like I've failed ONCE again because I let my emotions dictate my course. I guess it's a work in progress and should get used to it because it will be for the rest of my life.
So in the middle of my miscarriage madness, God surprised us with a huge blessing - a new pregnancy! It was so very unexpected and not 'planned' per say... but Lilah, D and I are all so very excited! Thus the reason it has been so long since I've been on to blog. I had such fierce nausea for three months. Straight. Every day. All. Day. It took all I had just to wake up and BE UP everyday, let alone do anything snarky and sarcastic on the internet :)
Fast forward two more months, and we're happy to announce we're expecting a baby BOY!
I'm just thrilled to be so blessed to have one of each. Lilah is all girl - not even four years old yet, and her 'vanity' (a Little Mermaid plastic get up) is already overflowing with lotion, makeup brushes and sixty-seven head bands :) Though she's not afraid to play in the dirt (but hates getting it on her feet... go figure that one out) and go fishing with dad. She's so into dancing ballet and singing at the present time and seems to be a blushing big sister already!
And in the same token, I've always thought I was a boy mom. I'm nervous for trying to keep him in line and out of trouble, but I just can't wait to pinch his chubby little cheeks that he will no doubtedly have :) If he's anything like Lilah was, he'll have a head full of blonde hair, deep blue eyes and be anything but dainty. I can't wait to meet him. Not that Lilah wasn't so very exciting and such a blessing, but I feel after the miscarriage that I may appreciate my kids more now? You get lost in the day to day pick up your clothes, finish your milk, don't wipe your snot on the couch. You (at least I) sometimes forget to stop and smell the roses... just how precious those little noise makers are. It's definitely made me appreciate my little girl more. Slow down and be more patient with her. Life is just so sweet and I need to slow down and soak it in.
Let's just hope while I'm soaking it in, I can get rid of all the baby weight :)